Friday, March 27, 2015

How to Run Glassfish 3 on JDK8 /JRE8


Have you updated your PC with new Java 8? Are you using glassfish3 because of unstable glassfish 4 or support or any other reason? Now you will face problem as there is no option to run the glassfish 3 on JRE8. If you have earlier JDK too,  you will get  the error of  'Unsupported major.minor version' during the deployment of app with new jar (compiled with newt JDK ). Here is a little trick I have done to do so –
        1) Open the file ‘domain.xml’ located at

Edit the ‘java-home’ for example replace –
java-home="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45"
java-home="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40"

        2) Then open the file ‘’ located at

Append the following line at the end –
        3) Done… run and enjoy :)
You can check your Glassfish’s JDK from- 

@decorators in Python

People have confusion about how to use python decorators in the proper way and how it works. The main reason for it is there are several way...