Wednesday, August 31, 2022

@decorators in Python

People have confusion about how to use python decorators in the proper way and how it works. The main reason for it is there are several ways to use decorators. In this article, we will discuss the basics of decoration and demonstrate all types of uses. 

First, we will learn a few terminologies.

First-class objects in a programming language are entities that behave just like normal objects. They can be referenced by variables, stored in data structures like list or dict, passed as arguments to another function, returned as a value from another function.
In mathematics and computer science, a higher-order function (HOF) is a function that does at least one of the following:
  • takes one or more functions as arguments (i.e. a procedural parameter, which is a parameter of a procedure that is itself a procedure),
  • returns a function as its result.
All other functions are first-order functions. 

Functions in Python are first class citizens. This means that they support operations such as being passed as an argument, returned from a function, modified, and assigned to a variable. This is a fundamental concept to understand before we delve into creating Python decorators. Let's checkout the code's from

Assigning Functions to Variables
def plus_one(number):
    return number + 1

add_one = plus_one

Defining Functions Inside other Functions

def plus_one(number):
    def add_one(number):
        return number + 1

    result = add_one(number)
    return result


Passing Functions as Arguments to other Functions

def plus_one(number):
    return number + 1

def function_call(function):
    number_to_add = 5
    return function(number_to_add)


Functions Returning other Functions

def hello_function():
    def say_hi():
        return "Hi"
    return say_hi
hello = hello_function()

Creating Decorators

def my_decorator(func):
    def wrapper():
        print("Before the func call.")
        print("After the func call.")

    return wrapper

def say_hello():

say_hello = my_decorator(say_hello)

Before the func call.
After the func call.
Now same thing will be done by using @ symbol

def my_decorator(func):
    def wrapper():
        print("Before the func call.")
        print("After the func call.")

    return wrapper

def say_hello():


Before the func call.
After the func call.
So, @my_decorator is just an easier way of saying say_whee = my_decorator(say_whee). It’s how you apply a decorator to a function.

Now I will demonstrate 7 types of decorator implementation examples. These are
  1. Class implementation of function decorator without argument
  2. Function implementation of function decorator without argument
  3. Class implementation of function decorator with argument
  4. Function implementation of function decorator with argument
  5. Class implementation of class decorator without argument
  6. Function implementation of class decorator without argument
  7. Decorator chaining 
All these example codes are available at

Class implementation of function decorator without argument

class MyClassDecorator(object):

    def __init__(self, f):
        print('__init__() called | function:' + str(f.__name__))
        self.f = f

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print('__call__() called | function:' + str(self.f.__name__) + ' | args: ' + str(args) + ' | kwargs:' + str(
        self.f(*args, **kwargs)

def display_function(a, b, c):
    print("display_function() called")

def display_function_no_call(a, b, c):
    print("display_function_no_call() called")

print("Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()")

display_function(1, 2, 3)
print("display_function() executed")


__init__() called | function:display_function
__init__() called | function:display_function_no_call
Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()
__call__() called | function:display_function | args: (1, 2, 3) | kwargs:{}
display_function() called
display_function() executed

Function implementation of function decorator without argument

def my_decorator(f):
    print('my_decorator() called | function:' + str(f.__name__))

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        print('wrapped() called |  function:' + str(f.__name__) + ' | args:' + str(args) + '| kwargs:' + str(kwargs))
        f(*args)  # calling the original function

    return wrapped

def display_function(a, b, c):
    print("display_function() called")

def display_function_no_call(a, b, c):
    print("display_function_no_call() called")

print("Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()")

display_function(1, 2, 3)
print("display_function() executed")


my_decorator() called | function:display_function
my_decorator() called | function:display_function_no_call
Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()
wrapped() called |  function:display_function | args:(1, 2, 3)| kwargs:{}
display_function() called
display_function() executed

Class implementation of function decorator with argument

class MyClassDecorator(object):

    def __init__(self, *deco_args, **deco_kwargs):
        print('__init__() called  | args: ' + str(deco_args) + ' | kwargs:' + str(deco_kwargs))

    def __call__(self, f):
        print('__call__() called | function:' + str(f.__name__))

        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                'wrapped() called |  function:' + str(f.__name__) + ' | args:' + str(args) + '| kwargs:' + str(kwargs))
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

@MyClassDecorator("arg1", "arg2")
def display_function(a, b, c):
    print("display_function() called")

@MyClassDecorator("no_call_arg1", "no_call_arg2")
def display_function_no_call(a, b, c):
    print("display_function_no_call() called")

print("Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()")

display_function(1, 2, 3)
print("display_function() executed")


__init__() called  | args: ('arg1', 'arg2') | kwargs:{}
__call__() called | function:display_function
__init__() called  | args: ('no_call_arg1', 'no_call_arg2') | kwargs:{}
__call__() called | function:display_function_no_call
Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()
wrapped() called |  function:display_function | args:(1, 2, 3)| kwargs:{}
display_function() called
display_function() executed
Function implementation of function decorator with argument

def my_decorator(*deco_args, **deco_kwargs):
    print('my_decorator() called | args: ' + str(deco_args) + ' | kwargs:' + str(deco_kwargs))

    def inner(f):
        print('inner(f) called  |  function:' + str(f.__name__) + ' || ( Have access to  deco_args: ' + str(
            deco_args) + ' | deco_kwargs:' + str(deco_kwargs) + ')')

        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                'wrapped() called |  function:' + str(f.__name__) + ' | args:' + str(args) + '| kwargs:' + str(
                    kwargs) + ' || ( Have access to  deco_args: ' + str(
                    deco_args) + ' | deco_kwargs:' + str(deco_kwargs) + ')')
            return f(*args, **kwargs)  # calling the original function and return

        return wrapped

    return inner

@my_decorator("arg1", "arg2")
def display_function(a, b, c):
    print("display_function() called")

@my_decorator("no_call_arg1", "no_call_arg2")
def display_function_no_call(a, b, c):
    print("display_function_no_call() called")

print("Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()")

display_function(1, 2, 3)
print("display_function() executed")


my_decorator() called | args: ('arg1', 'arg2') | kwargs:{}
inner(f) called  |  function:display_function || ( Have access to  deco_args: ('arg1', 'arg2') | deco_kwargs:{})
my_decorator() called | args: ('no_call_arg1', 'no_call_arg2') | kwargs:{}
inner(f) called  |  function:display_function_no_call || ( Have access to  deco_args: ('no_call_arg1', 'no_call_arg2') | deco_kwargs:{})
Decoration finished for display_function() and display_function_no_call()
wrapped() called |  function:display_function | args:(1, 2, 3)| kwargs:{} || ( Have access to  deco_args: ('arg1', 'arg2') | deco_kwargs:{})
display_function() called
display_function() executed
Class implementation of class decorator without argument

class MyClassDecorator:
    # accept the class as argument
    def __init__(self, _class):
        print('__init__() called | class:' + str(_class.__name__))
        self._class = _class

    # accept the class's __init__ method arguments
    def __call__(self, name):
        print('__call__() called | class:' + str(self._class.__name__) + ' | arg:' + str(name))

        # define a new display method
        def new_display(self):
            print('new_display() called')
            print('Name: ',
            print('PIN: 1234')

        # replace display with new_display
        self._class.display = new_display

        # return the instance of the class
        obj = self._class(name)
        print('returning modified class object')
        return obj

class Employee:
    def __init__(self, name):
        print('original __init__() called' + ' | arg:' + str(name)) = name

    def display(self):
        print('original display() called')
        print('Name: ',

print("Decoration finished for Employee Class")
obj = Employee('Towhidul Haque Roni')
print("Employee obj created")
print("display() executed")


__init__() called | class:Employee
Decoration finished for Employee Class
__call__() called | class:Employee | arg:Towhidul Haque Roni
original __init__() called | arg:Towhidul Haque Roni
returning modified class object
Employee obj created
new_display() called
Name:  Towhidul Haque Roni
PIN: 1234
display() executed

Function implementation of class decorator without argument

def my_decorator(_class):
    print('my_decorator() called for the class: ' + str(_class.__name__))

    # define a new display method
    def new_display(self):
        print('new_display() called')
        print('Name: ',
        print('PIN: 1234')

    # replace the display with new_display
    # (if the display method did not exist in the class,
    # the new_display would have been added to the class as the display method)
    _class.display = new_display

    # return the modified employee
    print('returning modified class (not object)')
    return _class

class Employee:
    def __init__(self, name):
        print('original __init__() called' + ' | arg:' + str(name)) = name

    def display(self):
        print('original display() called')

print("Decoration finished for Employee Class")
obj = Employee('Towhidul Haque Roni')
print("Employee obj created")
print("display() executed")


my_decorator() called for the class: Employee
returning modified class (not object)
Decoration finished for Employee Class
original __init__() called | arg:Towhidul Haque Roni
Employee obj created
new_display() called
Name:  Towhidul Haque Roni
PIN: 1234
display() executed
Decorator chaining 

def register(*decorators):
    This decorator is for chaining multiple decorators.
    :param decorators:args(the decorators as arguments)
    :return: callable object

    def register_wrapper(func):
        for deco in decorators[::-1]:
            func = deco(func)
        func._decorators = decorators
        return func

    return register_wrapper

def deco1(f):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
        print('-' * 100)
        fn = f(*args, **kwds)
        print('-' * 100)
        return fn

    return wrapper

def deco2(f):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
        print('*' * 100)
        fn = f(*args, **kwds)
        print('*' * 100)
        return fn

    return wrapper

def deco3(f):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
        print('#' * 100)
        fn = f(*args, **kwds)
        print('#' * 100)
        return fn

    return wrapper

class Foo(object):
    def bar(self):
        print('I am bar')

class AnotherFoo(object):
    @register(deco1, deco2, deco3)
    def bar(self):
        print('I am bar')

foo = Foo()
print('\n\n~~~~ Alternate Way to Annotate ~~~~\n\n')
another_foo = AnotherFoo()


I am bar

~~~~ Alternate Way to Annotate ~~~~

I am bar
(<function deco1 at 0x7f50c7e6c940>, <function deco2 at 0x7f50c7e6c9d0>, <function deco3 at 0x7f50c7e6ca60>)

You can comment any suggestions on it. If you enjoyed the article and want updates about my new article, please follow me.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Django development environment quick start

Today I will show you how to set up a really simple Django development environment directly on the Docker container without a local Django installation. We will also run a PostgreSQL server in a docker container.

I am assuming that you have already installed Docker and Docker-compose. If not, there are pretty goods docs on docker's official website. Follow them to install on your OS (Windows/macOS/Linux). I am using macOS, but others will be almost similar (if you find it difficult, just put a comment below). 

Follow the below steps to quick start Django development on the Docker environment 

1) Make a project directory, e.g.-TestApp

2) Create a file name Dockerfile on the directory and add the following lines 

FROM python:3.9.1

LABEL maintainer=""

LABEL vendor=""




COPY required-package.txt /code/

RUN pip install -r required-package.txt

COPY . /code/

3) Create a file name required-package.txt and add the following lines -



4) Then create a file name docker-compose.yml and add the following lines -

version: "3.9"




    image: postgres


      - ./container-data/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data


      - POSTGRES_NAME=postgres

      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres

      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres


    build: .

    command: python runserver


      - .:/code


      - "8000:8000"


      - POSTGRES_NAME=postgres

      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres

      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres


      - db

5) Now open the terminal ad go to the project directory, and enter the following command to start a Django project -

$ docker-compose run web django-admin startproject testapp .

6) All required files and folders are generated by this time. Go to testapp folder , open file add

import os 

on top of the page and replace 


    'default': {

        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',

        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',





    'default': {

        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',

        'NAME': os.environ.get('POSTGRES_NAME'),

        'USER': os.environ.get('POSTGRES_USER'),

        'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('POSTGRES_PASSWORD'),

        'HOST': 'db',

        'PORT': 5432,



7) Now, to run the containers, execute the following commands -

$ docker-compose down

$ docker-compose build

$ docker-compose up -d

8) Now open your browser and go http://localhost:8000; you will see the Django welcome page.

This tutorial is for a quick start; next, I will post explaining these and how to do it for the professional app.

@decorators in Python

People have confusion about how to use python decorators in the proper way and how it works. The main reason for it is there are several way...